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About the Jack Miller Project

The most important yet unknown leader referenced in this PhD program at a Southern Baptist seminary is a man named Jack Miller” – Mike Graham

In 2012, pastor Mike Graham began studies at Southeastern Baptist Theological Seminary to earn his Ph.D. in Applied Theology. While attending PhD seminars, Mike was surprised that, in a Southern Baptist doctoral context, the faculty at Southeastern had assigned a significant number of books written by authors who had been influenced directly or indirectly by the late Dr. Jack Miller. In 1995, Mike and his wife Vicki had gone through The Sonship Course, a leadership training program developed by Jack Miller and World Harvest Mission (now Serge). Many of his peers and professors, however, hardly recognized the name. When Mike shared with them the extent of Jack’s sphere of influence, the president of Southeastern, Dr. Danny Akin, encouraged Mike to change his original thesis and instead dedicate his Ph.D. research to writing a biography on Jack Miller.

After interviewing dozens of people and compiling an entire library of Jack’s sermons, lecture tapes, unpublished writings, and more, Mike’s research demonstrated that Jack’s influence was far greater than had been realized. Thus, The Jack Miller Project was founded to further explore Jack’s continuing impact on a generation of Christian leaders in the US and around the world. Mike plans to continue publishing information about Jack’s ministry. To stay up to date with Mike’s research, check out our blog posts, sign up for our emails, and follow The Jack Miller Project Facebook page.

“Kathy and I went to Gordon-Conwell Seminary together in the early ’70s and there studied under Richard Lovelace, whose teaching on revival and renewal had profoundly moved us and changed us personally. But we didn’t know how to translate it into local church ministry until we came under the influence of Jack and Rose Marie Miller during our stay in Philadelphia and New Life Church from 1984 to 1989. Then we began to see how gospel renewal fleshed itself out in preaching, worship, evangelism, missions, and social justice. Lovelace taught the theory, but Jack showed us the practice, and this ignited a desire in me to start a church and ministry where I could do what I learned at New Life. There would never have been a Redeemer Church in New York City without the impact of Jack and Rose Marie on our lives and hearts.”

Tim Keller
Senior Pastor, Redeemer Church (New York, NY)

To find out more about the Jack Miller Project, consider purchasing Jack’s biography, Cheer Up!

Our Mission

The works of Jack Miller are an important and unrecognized influence in our modern day grace movement. Dr. Michael A. Graham is working through the Jack Miller Project in order to get people access to Jack’s teachings in the form of The Jack Miller Library, Timeline, and the biography Cheer Up: The Life and Ministry of Jack Miller.

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