The Jack Miller Project

The Jack Miller Project

The Gospel is the Power of God for Worship, Mission, and Renewal

About the Jack Miller Project

The Jack Miller Project was founded to further explore the life, ministry, and teachings of Dr. Jack Miller

The Jack Miller Biography

C. John (Jack) Miller was born on December 18, 1928 in Gold Beach, Oregon. While he is known for The Sonship Course, Jack also influenced a generation of leaders in his roles as a pastor,...


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The most important yet unknown leader referenced in this PhD program at a Southern Baptist seminary is a man named Jack Miller” – Mike Graham

In 2012, pastor Mike Graham began studies at Southeastern Baptist Theological Seminary to earn his Ph.D. in Applied Theology. While attending Ph.D. seminars, Mike was surprised that, in a Southern Baptist doctoral context, the faculty at Southeastern had assigned a significant number of books written by authors who had been influenced directly or indirectly by the late Dr. Jack Miller. In 1995, Mike and his wife Vicki had gone through The Sonship Course, a leadership training program introduced by Jack and World Harvest Mission. Many of his peers and professors at Southeastern, however, hardly recognized the name. When Mike shared with them more about Jack’s sphere of influence, the president of Southeastern, Dr. Danny Akin, encouraged Mike to change his original doctoral research project and instead dedicate his Ph.D. research to writing a biography on Jack Miller.